Wednesday, November 10, 2010

1 down many more to go

So Maren has had 2 loose teeth for a while now it was finally time for one of them to come out and she started out pretty excited. (notice the 2 teeth growing up from her "guts" but behind her baby teeth.)
I gave it a shot first and started the whole drama off :)
Then Daddy tried
See Taylor in the mirror making Maren laugh? That's my girl!
Then we gave Uncle Jeff a call because she didn't want us to try anymore. For some reason she thought if Jeff did it it wouldn't hurt.
Well it still hurt, but at least he got her tooth out. She kept asking me "why do my guts have to bleed mom...why?"

1 comment:

John and Jessica said...

Goodness! I remember when she was just a little toddler. Crazy! Yay for Maren, and what a nice brother you have to help out :)